Strengthening the very thoughtful “BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO” National Program- responding to the increasing crimes of mental atrocities and physical violence against women including female feticide and infanticide in Indian society including Delhi- “We Shall Overcome (WsO)” is a new, innovative and ambitious strategic program conceptualized and initiated by REWS since last one year.
It seeks to prepare and raise a cadre of young Women- as WsO Activists- suitably armed with knowledge, skill and self-sufficiency- who could shoulder an extensive action-based campaign against gender-based violence including killing female fetus- The group presently consists of 20 single and married young women (16-25), enterprising with leadership traits, at least middle school passed- drawn from different slums clusters of South-West Delhi.
Regular orientation and sensitization of the group is carried out periodically. However, the program is in stage of infancy due to resource constraints.