The stage of adolescence increases vulnerability, all the more, as it the juncture of life which may be described as “a phase that begins in biology and ends in society”. Adolescents stand at the crossroads between childhood and the adult world. Around 243 million adolescents (21% of Indian population) live in India..
As they stand at these crossroads, so do societies at large – the crossroads between losing out on the potential of a generation or nurturing them to transform society. It is indeed an age of opportunity.
With such thought process, REWS focuses on adolescence issues- health, sex education and responsible adulthood, vocational skill training, career prospects and counseling.
However, with growing demographics, rapid industrialization and modernizations in India, has also brought in spate of vehicles on road and consequently casualties due to accidents and fatalities both on city roads and highways. Adolescents and youths majorly and evidently are both -cause and victims of road accidents.
As a step ahead, REWS has added a new vertical in its program portfolio- comprehensive action oriented awareness, education and counseling on road safety.

Concerned towards the increased number of road accidents at the state and national highways across the state, the state government of Rajasthan (one of the top States in India attracting global tourists) has come up with a joint campaign ‘Sadak Suraksha Jagran Abhiyan”. The objective of the campaign on Road Safety is to reduce the rate of accidents, injury and death associated with road transport through advocacy program.
Road Safety Awareness Project funded by the World Bank/Govt. of Rajasthan covered in all 8 districts in Ajmer and Bharatpur. In Ajmer zone, the districts covered has been Ajmer,Tonk,Bhilwara and Nagaur and in Bharatpur Zone it covered Dholpur,Karauli, Sawaimadhepur and Bharatpur.
Project duration was from 16 April 2016 to 31st December 2018. Road Safety Awareness and BLS (Basic Life Support) training was given to 10 volunteers at each gram panchayat of 8 districts to reduce accident and fatalities (deaths); and practice of carrying the patient from accident spot to hospital for emergency medical service.
The training was conducted with help of audio-visuals such as amplifier, speaker, LCD projector and IEC kits like posters, backdrop standees and banners in and around the venue.

Broad objective of the project
Bring down the number of fatalities and injuries due to road traffic crashes by creating sustainable road safety awareness and education programs to targeted road user groups of the rural and semi-urban population.
Objectives in specific have been as follows:
o Sensitization of community to road safety & a sense of ownership;
o Imparting Knowledge and Education
o Good driving practices
o First-Aid Training
Broad objective of the project
Develop and disseminate information among rural and semi-urban population | |
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Raise cadre of mentors and communicators from rural areas to spread awareness that road safety issues and actively engaging community in identifying road safety problems and solutions, | |
Develop capacity and establish linkages with road safety institutions assisting communities to plan , manage and sustain their own road safety initiatives, |

Intervention Strategy
The intervention strategy was guided by a sample survey covering different stake holders and addressing the issues causing accidents on basis of diagnostic study which revealed – accidents spots and causes of accidents as well as safety records of highways, important district roads etc through available data. Accordingly, communication materials were developed and intervention tailored.
Campaign activities carried out have been One Day Road Safety Awareness Program for 10 Volunteers from each Panchayat Samitis (PS) and Gram Panchayat Samitis (GPS), Training Sessions in 100 Schools, Training of 60 Truck/Bus drivers (half—day) – before taking it to general masses of GP/PS.
Training & Awareness Program covered- 120 Drivers, 100 schools, 51 Police stations, 2335 Gram Panchayat Samities and 68 Panchayat Samities(PS).
Volunteers, in all 15, were also trained (using slide shows) on the subject including first aid & trauma care, contacting emergency services phone numbers were provided with certificate and Booklets after Training Session
AV based lecture/talk (participatory in nature), Quiz competition, Slogan writing competition, Nukkad Natak, Student’s Rally and interestingly, debate on topic “who should be caught for accidents!” have been mode of training. Movies, debate on “Over loading” (what can be done?) etc also figured in different training programs.