Way back in late eighties, walking out from a troubled marriage, mentally bruised, never-the-less, full of determination to walk alone; the Lady- a Post-graduate in Social science, an international Chess player and a single parent- found solace in helping those who were not so well-placed on social ladder.

Starting with teaching a few children of domestic help living in surrounding slums in and around Vasant Kunj in South Delhi, as purely private initiatives, grew in strength with more and more children coming in for study.
It was therefore thought apt to get the initiative formalized- getting it formally registered in 1990 under Society Registration Act 1860 of India..
Starting from a humble start with help of 20 volunteers and growing to a stable organization with current strength of 50 team members and reaching to 5 states, REWS has touched lives of over 50,000 people in the last two years alone.